GRANT INOUYE: Motion Designer and VFX Artist

Today, we get to know the insanely talented motion graphics and visual effects artist, Grant Inouye. Grant's story is one of resilience and self-motivation, as he navigated his way from video editing in Japan to becoming a skilled motion designer in the U.S. Through our conversation, he shares key lessons about the power of community, the importance of continuous learning, and the ways technological advancements have democratized the industry. Grant's insights offer valuable guidance for anyone looking to break into or advance within the field of motion design. With that, let’s get to know Grant Inouye!

Grant Inouye's demo reel

Q: How did it all start for you? What drew you toward your department? What was a major influence in your life?

A: After I came back from spending 7 years of my young adult life in Japan, I came back with no real credentials for schooling or education that were recognized in the states but I had learned some video editing while abroad. That allowed me to work at a video company as shooter/editor. There I was told that if I knew AfterEffects I would be able to progress in the industry so I spent the summer learning AE from video copilot. From there I was able to start my motion design path that allowed me to move to my next job as a video editor and motion graphics artist.

Q: Where did you receive the majority of your training? School? On-the-job experience? Self taught?

A: Most of my training has been through the online community. Resources like Video Copilot & Greyscale Gorilla are full of resources and support for learning motion design. School of Motion was one of the structured online courses I've taken that really made a difference in my career progress. But more than that, I can't stress the importance of the motion design community fostered by Maxon, School of Motion,, Greyscale Gorilla, and RocketLasso to name just a few. The support and community that each of these groups have cultivated are open, nurturing, and provided the greatest amount of knowledge and experience in my professional journey.

Q: How has the industry changed in your field since you first started, and what trends do you see shaping its future?

A: The internet and hardware advancements have really democratized the motion design industry. In the past, only those who had privilege to the right person in high places or access to specific hardware or specialized software could learn the proper skills to attain certain positions in the industry. But the industry today is vastly different. Anyone with a half decent laptop and access to the internet can learn and acquire the skills necessary, and more importantly be able to practice using those skills and software on their own. I know many super talented titans in the motion design industry who have been able to pull of complicated, amazing design campaigns alone that rival full production houses and agencies.

Q: How can new professionals best prepare for the challenges they might face in this field?

A: It's important to be aware of the industry as a whole and be connected to the larger community. Earlier on in my career when I was just starting to learn 3D motion design I was in a staff position where I was one of two motion designers who supported about 50 editors. My senior was very busy with his own workload and I was very much siloed, working on my own, learning on my own. There was a point where I felt I was plateauing and not learning anything new or current techniques. It wasn't until I got connected to the motion design community through online discussion groups, discords & slacks and went out to industry events like NAB or Siggraph and met/talked to peers in the industry that I started to grow as an artist again. Knowing what's going on in the industry zeitgeist and connecting with others, asking for and giving advice was really what allowed me to gain a bigger picture of what was out there and how I wanted my career to progress.

Grant's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance, community, and the willingness to adapt and learn. His experiences and insights provide a roadmap for aspiring motion designers and anyone looking to carve their own path in a dynamic industry. Be sure to check out links below to dive into his impressive body of work and follow his ongoing creative journey.



INSTAGRAM: @g_rant_rants


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